Tuesday, June 07, 2011

A Soldier at Heaven's Gate

Came across this while surfing the web:

A soldier died on the field of battle and came up to the gates of heaven, where he met God. He said to God, "Lord, I know I did many things I am not proud of, and many more that you won't approve of, so if you send me to hell, I won't argue." God stood there for a moment, and then turned to the gatekeeper of heaven,"Let him in", He said. The gatekeeper, confused, asked "Why?"
God looked down at the soldier and said,"This man just came from hell."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some Thoughts on Evolution

"Evolution is an imperfect and often violent process. Morality loses its meaning. The question of good and evil reduces to one simple choice: Survive or perish."

Primarily, irrationality has been playing an important role in the evolution of the human race as well as impact on individual and group actions till date... This is primarily because we have evolved thought process.

Further on, I was just wondering how the humans are different from other species as in decisions by a few humans can affect entire groups of humans, other flora and fauna, and the entire planet...
Some of our members have tremendous amounts... of power.

In that context, many decisions are based on irrationality and personal biases, or for the purpose of acquisition of more power/ wealth/resources/etc. Not always does morality as in 'the greatest good of the greatest number' figure.

Applying that to evolution, lots of genetic variants, which defines evolution, are lost due to such decisions aforementioned. Accidents aside, the factors which determine evolution of other species, are further added to by such politico-socio-economic considerations.

And when conflicts arise, those who are left are not always right. The fact that they have survived and are able to have progeny determines the evolutionary path