Friday, October 06, 2006


There couldn't be a truer thing said...
Many people belive in Destiny, Fate, Luck... name it whatever you wish... All actions they perform & the results there-off... are dependant on a Higher Power...
This, according to them is a sign of their belief, their trust in the Higher Power... This is actually an escape from Responsibility...
You are who your Choices make you... You are who your Actions make you... What you do affects your life, affects others... Thus the credit for every victory goes to You, the blame for every Defeat as well... There is no escaping it...
Is it something to be escaped from anyway? Is it that heavy a responsibility that one needs to apportion the blame onto some other entity, no matter however revered it might be?
Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
It is this Destiny that makes up for those chains which bind Man... It is this responsibilty for owning up for one's actions that gives one Freedom... Freedom to do as you wish... subject to the Results to you & to others...
One may say, as a result others's actions also affect us... Very true... so, it is beneficial that others also own up to their actions... make it an ever-lasting chain... so that Mankind gets Free...
Life is not a Straight Path...
It is branched, like a Tree or... like Forked Lighteneing...
You are... What your Choices make You...
If you had made a different choice...
It would not be you here...
It would be someone else...
Looking back...
And asking Different Questions...
Break Free... From the Bonds of Destiny...
Take Life... Into Your Own Hands....